Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Author Jade Lee and update on Query Process

Author Jade Lee will be at our RWA Sola writers meeting this Saturday @ 10am. (Metairie, LA) Please join us for a great presentation. I've taken a class by Jade before at Heartla's conference and she is amazing...

Lil' update ~
Well, I've been playing around with my "Pitch blurb" for what seems like forever. Who would have thought a little old' paragraph description would be so darn hard???? And the strange thing about this is the first two books I ever wrote (which were pretty good stories, but not so good writing) I put together a truly awesome pitch for those stories. They were easy to do for some reason. I sent it out to two people and got requests from both. They loved my pitch, but was kind enough to say I wasn't there yet and said I could resubmit something again later. Sweet. But now that I'm feeling it, feeling this story like I have never felt before, I mean really emotional, NOW I'm having a hard time narrowing it down to the bare bones. Why is that? And now an agent who requested a partial wants a synopsis with it. What???? Synopsis? Really? Geesh, you'd think she'd asked me for my first or second born.

Okay, I can do this. I will get that syn-poop-sis done! And a better query letter too. I will - I will - I will... Readers don't realize the stuff authors have to go through, and authors don't realize the stuff agents and editors have to go through. Maybe I should have kept this to myself...(nah...)

p.s. I just want to thank who ever it was that gave me such a sweet review on Amazon. It makes it all worth while. Seriously! Big hugs to you!

Have a great day!
Dawn Chartier (who is now alligator free!)


Unknown said...

You will be brilliant, and get your syn-poop-sis right. *slaps knee and laughs hysterically*

Can't wait for agent to snatch this story up so I can get my signed copy!

Rachel Firasek

Dawn Chartier said...

Thanks, Rachel...and I know you are wondering about Raine story, the next in the series, and guess what. I've got it all planned out! Today, I found my hero, the GMC for both of them and this story is going to be so much fun to write! I can't wait until 11/1/10...Nano time, baby!!! Yes!!!

Um. Can you tell I'm stoked?