Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Free ebook today and tomorrow ~ Not An Angel ~ Paranormal Romance

Well, I was supposed to do this big promotion for NOT AN ANGEL, due to Katrina's 7 year anniversary, but with Hurricane Isaac banging on my front door I didn't get a chance to write up a blog about it.

I still wanted to mention it though real quick. So if you hadn't already, please grab your FREE ebook copy today...(click the link above)

Stay safe and enjoy!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Authors After Dark 2012 ~ New Orleans

While I can't post much about the #AADNOLA convention because I was only there for one day. I will post a link here to Barbara Vey's blog on Publisher's Weekly.

I was supposed to go for the entire thing, but family matters come first. But when I got an email from Barbara asking if I would be there, I knew I had better try. Barbara is one of the nicest ladies and if she could fly across the US on a moments notice, then I could be there at least for a few hours... I'm so glad I went...

Anyway, here is the link to her take on Authors After Dark Nola Style...

Check out these babes with the Heart to Heart book club group and Barbara Vey at the head of the table! After lunch we went to the book signing where I met tons of new authors and I got to see some of my old writing buddies as well...(Hi Jae Lynne!)

And I can't forgot to mention all the men in red dresses that were in New Orleans. (see below) Men always find an excuse (or a good cause) to wear a pretty dress... :-)

Happy reading and writing,
