Thursday, September 30, 2010

Started The Query Process

Sometimes authors are just so excited when they get the call from an agent that they just agree to the terms and don't truly understand what the relationship is going to be like. Writers, do your research before accepting. Take a little while and ask the agents authors how the like their agent.

Is an author crazy to turn down an agent? Nope. Not at all.

What if you don't feel like it's a good fit?
What if you didn't see she/he representing books like yours, yet they want to rep you?
What if they are not hands-on and that's what you wanted?
What if they are not easy to talk to?

So many things to think about and ask when interviewing agents. And yes, you must interview, just as they interview you. The arrangement is like a marriage and you must have the same goals in mind. At least that's how I feel.

So don't settle, find the perfect "fitting" agent. The only reason I'm talking about this is I've started the query process this week. So wish me luck. I didn't flood the market with queries, but I did send out a few.

Good luck to all you writers submitting,
Dawn Chartier

1 comment:

Suzanne Johnson said...

Good luck, Dawn--hope you find the right one! Another tip or two--talk to a few of your prospective agent's clients to see what they think, and check Publishers Marketplace for what they've sold in the last year. Happy querying!