Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Saints --- What the heck?

This blog is just me ranting about the Saints loss. (grrrrr...) You can ignore this one, but I had to get it out....

We all want to know what the heck is going on?
I took off work to go to Houston and support our Saints team and what did I get? I was embarrassed. It was terrible. I don't mind losing, but not like that. It seemed like we were trying to lose the game. I won't name players, but guys something is not right with you. 95% of the team just played like their heart wasn't in it. Is it?? You can't blame your fans, because when I arrived at the Hotel and saw tons and tons of fans there I was so proud to be a Saints fan. We drove in by the hundreds, we flew in by who knows how many. But then we have to sit there watching the team play like they could care less. It breaks my heart. We want to see you try harder. That's all. It doesn't have to be a win. Catch the ball and hold on to it. Run your ass off and do your best. Don't keep running Bush up the middle, it doesn't work "HELLO", it doesn't work!!! Now, go practice like you've never done before, and kick some ass. And defense sack the quarterback like your life depended on it. Do some blitzing!!

And coach, what are you doing?? Don't keep doing the same crap if it doesn't work...

Dawn - A loyal but upset Saints fan.

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