Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Scariest Paranormal I Ever Read ~ By Ann Montclair

Happy Hump Day everyone! Please welcome my special guest, Ann Montclair!

Since Dawn’s site is dedicated to the paranormal, and I write romance, I decided to blog about the best horror novel I ever read. I know, I know, paranormal isn’t necessarily horror, but the book I loved was paranormal—and also damned frightening!

Have you ever read Clive Barker? His book The Damnation Game was the scariest book I ever read.

I was a full grown woman, living in a house full of people, but I still had to sleep with all the lights on after starting Barker’s book. The lights stayed on for weeks after putting the novel down, too!

The novel features a lead character so well-drawn, so vividly developed, a reader truly empathizes with his plight. Even though he is an ex-convict and not a very good guy, in comparison to his nemesis, the lead is an angel.

The antagonist is a centuries old bad guy who is so evil, and graphically so, he’ll haunt your dreams for days.

One thing Barker won’t shy away from is description. His riveting plot is made more engrossing by grossing out the reader. If you can’t stand seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling a story, don’t even bother trying The Damnation Game.

You won’t find a more psychologically complex or compelling read; but when you read it, be prepared to be scared, to be queasy, to look over your shoulder and suspect the dark. Boo!

What’s the scariest story you’ve ever read? I’d love to hear. I’ll check back to this blog throughout the day and respond to your comments or questions.

Also, please feel free to visit me anytime:

FYI—I just published my first contemporary romance, The Billionaire’s Bauble, and it’s available at Soul Mate Publishing:


And Barnes and Noble:

Thanks for hosting me, Dawn! It was fun.

Thanks for stopping by, Ann... I'm going to have to check out The Billionaires Bauble. I think it fits right in with my Stiletto Millionaire's Club Series.


Mandi Casey said...

Great post, I love scary books/movies! I'd have to say Prey was the last scary book I read, the believability of tge bad guy had me enthralled from page one.

Joanna Fay said...

I'm creeped out enough already by your description!
Hmm, high on my scary books list would be 'Magnificat', the last book in Julain May's Galactic Milieu Trilogy. Subtle, complex mental interplay...and the horror creeps in from leftfield...potent stuff.

Ann Montclair said...

I'll have to pick both of those titles up, Mandi and Joanna! Thanks.

Amaleen Ison said...

Both Barker and King write wonderfully scary books. I read 'It' in my early teens, and I think that scared me more than any other book. :-)

DT said...

I still remember the shock of Bram Stoker's Dracula, at the 'cutting off the head' scene.

Ann Montclair said...

IT freaked me out. I am arachnaphobic, so basically, I couldn't finish the book.

Good one Derek: you're right. Dracula is one of the scariest books of all time. I loved the epistle format that Stoker utilizes.

Thanks you, Amaleen and Derek, for coming by. :)

Dawn Chartier said...

I enjoyed your post, Ann...
I would have to say Stephen King is one of the scariest story tellers out there...