Friday, October 5, 2007

Sheriff Harry Lee

Today is the funeral for Jefferson Parish Sheriff Harry Lee.
This man has been in office since 1979 I believe. For as long as I can remember.
Being a Sheriff in a Parish next to New Orleans you had to be a strong man to handle the crime. And, that is exactly what he was. I can't imagine anyone else replacing him, but when someone does, I can only pray they follow in his footsteps or do even better. (Hopefully better)

I know it wasn't easy for him, but I know he did what he could. Some people thought bad things about him, but he wasn't bad. He was honest, he told the cold hard truth. Didn't sugar coat for anyone... He didn't worry about hurting anyone's feelings, he was there to protect his citizens, and thats what he did.

We'll miss you Sheriff, rest in peace!!

Dawn Chartier

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