Hope you had an awesome weekend. Mine was pretty good. Got some writing done, which is always a good thing. But last night was "me" time. I picked up a book and started reading the Harrowing by Alex Sokoloff? (I'll have to post her last night later I know it, I just cant spell it) Anyway, I'm up to Chapter 21 I believe and this story gave me nightmares last night. Really, real nightmares. I couldn't sleep a wink last night. Alex I'm mad at you for that...today I'll be too tired to write! But, I will say the story is great. This is Alex's first book, the writing is not perfect, but it didn't matter or bother me in the least, The book is a great story you just don't want to put down afraid you'll miss something....Now if you look for mistakes then its your loss of a good story...just go with the flow... Its a tale about some college misfits who tap into the a ghost who died at the college many years ago. He speaks to them thru the wiji board (sp?), and ends up doing things for them, some good, some not good at all. I'll let you know my opinion when I'm finished, but I'm a little scared to keep reading it right now. I need to sleep sometime...
Update: It's been 4 weeks since I sent Kate Duffy my partial, I probably have another 3 months of waiting. But, I respect she's so busy, I'd be afraid if she wasn't. (I just remembered something, did I send an SASE? Holy crap!! I hope so.)
Well, next time I see Kate in New Orleans, I'm going to query her with another book. Hey, I'm a new writer, I can only get better right? (haha-- just say yes..)
Tonight: I'm planning to make pralines for a wonderful author friend.. (I hope I do better this go round; yesterday's didn't fair so well. Try, Try Again.)
Good luck on reading, writing, finding the next best seller, whatever you need or want...
Dawn Chartier
Fantasy on the Rocks!